Our Missionaries

Altoona Rescue Mission
Altoona, PA

Jim and Emi Civale
Serving in the Samoa Islands

Ruth Coleman
Serving in Honduras

Paul and Martha Daku
Serving in the Fiji Islands

Paul and Wendy Daku
Serving in Fiji

Scot and Katie Daku
Serving in Fiji

Joel and Brooke Daku

Josh and Frances Daku
Serving in the Fiji Islands

Thomas and Becky Gravley
Serving with BMM Home Office

John and Maria Lawrance
Serving in India

Dave and Julie Loop

Hounshell Family
Serving in Utah

Don and Zoe Peffer

Phil & Christine Prettyman
Serving in Uganda

Jon and Jeannie Rice
Serving our Lord

Risinger Family
Serving in Uganda

Bill and Lori Smith
Serving in Papua New Guinea

Bill and Lesley Smith
Serving in Florida

Dave and Shawn Smith
Serving as Director of Open Door Baptist Mission

Justin and Allison Smith
Serving our Lord

Sam and MaryBeth Snyder
Serving in Papua New Guinea

Mark and JoAnne Yeckley
Serving in Canada, Cross World Headquarters